Thursday, February 20, 2014

Why, hello there...

I should really work on this "every two years or so" posting schedule. Fingers crossed. (Posting more than every few years = setting the bar as low as it goes. But hey, nothing wrong with insuring a success, is there?)

My last post was on things I wanted to do while I was still 28. Now that I'm 30, I figured I'll cross off what's on that old list.

1. Move into the Cottage - October 12, 2012  Still living here, but thinking about moving before next winter. The Cottage isn't built for winter. We've been REALLY cold. 

2. Meet a new friend at Playa Del Fuego  So many new friends! A new camp, really. Quantum Steep has grown so much and this year, Pedro and I are hoping to take a mini version (just the two of us) on the road to Transformus!

3. Have 3 people over for dinner in the Cottage  Yep. We've had some people to dinner. It's fun. We should do this more often.

5. Hang some damn art on the walls  We're running out of wall space... :)

7. Apply for classes at DCCC I've been accepted to the Nursing program! Taking only psych classes now. Shooting for Anatomy and Physiology this summer (yipes!) and the actual Nursing classes start in the Fall. I'm waffling between excited, terrified and disbelieving this is really the path I've chosen at the moment.

9. Find my favorite pumpkin beer (Pumking is my current favorite)  I've tasted many and Pumking is still the reigning favorite. 

12. Do a handmade Christmas 2012 was a handmade Christmas. 2013 included some handmade goodness. I expect that trend will continue. Yay handmade!

13. Make and stick to a wedding budget  We had a wedding. It was amazing. Every vendor got paid. We spent way more than we ever would have anticipated and still saved tons of money wherever we could. I wouldn't change a thing. 

14. Find a wedding caterer

15. Make a bookshelf bar - what does this even mean??

16. Sew some curtains  Front door curtain = still very awesome.

21. Have my eyebrows threaded - I've been doing ok with trimming and plucking. Trying to let them get fuller.

22. Rag curl my hair

25. Visit SOD in Baltimore

26. Register for the wedding

27. Go apple picking

28. Make popsicles

Stuff I still want to do from this list:

4. Paint a piece of furniture - Kitchen Chairs, maybe? Bright colors? Yellow? Turquoise?
6. Sew something I can wear to work - blue dress shirt turned skirt!
8. See a shooting star - aka, go for evening strolls and look up
10. Slow dance with Pete under the stars - Bring the Bose outside and dance. Weather, the ball is in your court on this one. When the hell is Spring going to come back???
11. Finish the Couch to 5K program - How about start it?
17. Make a pecan pie
18. Make chicken pot pie
19. Roast a whole chicken
20. Make my own laundry detergent
23. Find my favorite gravestone in the cemetery across the street from the cottage
24. Go on a tour of Laurel Hill Cemetery

Monday, September 3, 2012

28 while I'm still 28

Yikes. This Champagne Birthday Year isn't going to last forever. Here are 28 things I want to do while I'm still 28.

1. Move into the Cottage - October 12, 2012
2. Meet a new friend at PDF
3. Have 3 people over for dinner in the Cottage
4. Paint a piece of furniture
5. Hang some damn art on the walls
6. Sew something I can wear to work
7. Apply for classes at DCCC
8. See a shooting star
9. Find my favorite pumpkin beer (Pumking is my current favorite)
10. Slow dance with Pete under the stars
11. Finish the Couch to 5K program
12. Do a handmade Christmas
13. Make and stick to a wedding budget
14. Find a wedding caterer
15. Make a bookshelf bar
16. Sew some curtains
17. Make a pecan pie
18. Make chicken pot pie
19. Roast a chicken
20. Make my own laundry detergent
21. Have my eyebrows threaded
22. Rag curl my hair
23. Find my favorite gravestone in the cemetery across the street from the cottage
24. Go on a tour of Laurel Hill Cemetery
25. Visit SOD in Baltimore
26. Register for the wedding
27. Go apple picking
28. Make popsicles

Friday, August 31, 2012

August 2012 - A Thank You Letter

(Let's just pretend that it hasn't been nearly two years since I posted anything here, ok? Great. Thanks)

Dear August 2012,

You have been a crazy one! First of all, (and don't take this the wrong way, August), you've never been my favorite month. Not even close, in fact. When I was a kid, you meant that summer vacation was almost over. But you also promised a week on 4th Lake, so you weren't all bad. But this year, August, you really pulled out all the stops. You win hands down for best summer month.

Shall we take a look at why you were so great this year?

We found a new place to live! HOORAY! We'll be vacating the ole 1 bedroom apartment for greener pastures in Swarthmore, PA. Our new abode is a little old cottage with a front AND back yard! It also has 2 bedrooms, more than 2 feet of counter space in the kitchen, storage space in the basement and they allow dogs! (Look out, Foo kitty. You will probably be getting a four-legged sibling next year…) We're pretty much in heaven and can't wait to move in. I’m just kind of wishing we could fast forward through the whole purging, packing, moving, unpacking fiasco and head straight to the DIY Projects! part of the moving game. It’s hard to believe that Pete and I will be celebrating our 6 year anniversary in the first place we’ve moved into TOGETHER. We’re looking forward to having more space and actually inviting people over for a change. How novel.

Betsy’s Bachelorette Weekend on Cape Cod. What a god damn success this weekend was. What happens when you combine one unconventional, relaxed and happy bride with 4 very different and equally relaxed and happy bridesmaids? Fun times ensue, to the max. I Amtraked to RI disgustingly early on Friday morning (note to self, 69th St station is not a cool place to hang out at 3:30am) and Betsy and I drove up to Heidi’s house on the Cape. Heidi had graciously offered to host the party for the weekend, before she learned that she would be moving out at the end of August. Surprise! She was still game for house guests (somehow??) and was a perfect host. Betsy’s big request for the weekend was that we do some crafting, so we glittered and painted the hell out of some metallic Oriental Trading Company masks. I cannot wait to see these monstrosities, er, works of art on people’s heads at the wedding. Hilariously awesome. Add in a late night skinny dip in the ocean, some serious living room singing and dancing, plus a limo ride to Provincetown for a drag show, a gay club and a live band in a lesbian bar, and our little Sparkleina was over the moon in love with her bachelorette party. What a blast.

Charlie's 30th Birthday party - this was such a fun night. Jackie threw Charlie an epic birthday bash, complete with frozen margarita machines, a teepee, adorable puppies and a kitty and a professional photo booth in their dining room. I have 2 strips of photos from that night, happy faces of Pete, Christina and me, that attest to the fun that was had.

Playa Del Fuego Ticket success! Pete and I, along with the Upstate NY contingent of awesomeness, were able to get everyone in our two camps tickets without breaking a sweat. Both Pete and Damian made it through the queue with super low numbers and we scored an extra ticket for Chris. High time for her to experience the magic of a Fall PDF.

We celebrated our Engage-a-versary. Pete and I have officially been engaged for 1 year. Only 14 months to go before our wedding! We busted out the first and only gift we have received since making our impending nuptials known – a pair of Waterford crystal toasting flutes. We’re super classy. A bottle of Asti, strawberries and some take out burritos (classy, remember?) added the finishing touches to our romatic engage-a-versary evening. We had a nice night of dreaming about our future and clinking our glasses. Somehow we finished the bottle, which is surprising since Pete only had 2 glasses of champagne…

In keeping with the engage-a-versary celebration, we decided it was high time we took an official tour of Arden and locked our date in with the powers that be down there. Pete was off on a bachelor party weekend in the Poconos, so I put Christina to work in her first official obligation as bridesmaid – she joined me to visit the Arden Guild Hall. Steve, our very friendly and knowledgeable tour guide, showed us around the space and answered all my questions to my liking. (Yes, we can setup the day before and come back to get stuff the next day. Yes, we can use candles and hang stuff from the ceiling. Yes, there will be 2 toilets in the ladies room!) While we were there the Hall was being prepped for the Arden Fair, which happens annually on Labor Day weekend. Things were looking a bit crazy inside, so I was glad I’d seen it earlier on the clandestine self-lead tour that Pete and I had taken MONTHS back. Steve showed us into the tiny and awesome library that is part of the Guild Hall, and we got a tour of backstage, the basement “where the cows used to be kept” and the newly renovated beer room. It was a strange tour. From the Guild Hall we proceeded through Arden on a short walk to the Field Theater, where we will be getting hitched. We got a good dose of Arden history along the way and Christina was happy to see lots of similarities between Arden and Rose Valley. Steve, who happens to be legally blind and seemed very lackadaisical with his blind-man cane, was making me very nervous as we continued to tramp along roads, fields and a cemetery. I was convinced that he’d tumble head first into a gravestone if I took my eyes off him for one minute, but I guess “legally blind” is a pretty wide spectrum and he managed himself quite well. When all was said and done we were confident that this is just the spot for us to have our wedding. Thank god, it would have been a real pain in the ass to have to start the search over! October 12, 2013 – here we come!

Lastly, August gave me another good turn. I got cast in a play! At the Swarthmore Players Club – A FOUR MINTUE DRIVE FROM OUR COTTAGE. Yet another plus of the cottage. The play is Chamber Music by Arthur Kopit. It’s an absurdist one-act set in an insane asylum in 1938. Yep. I’m playing another crazy lady! My character thinks she’s Queen Isabella of Spain, which is damn impressive.

So, as you see August, you have been a very very good month for me this year. Thanks for that.

Love, Megan

P.S. Tell September 2012 I have high hopes for her, too. Starting off the month with a trip home to see my folks and rounding it off with another trip home for Kevin and Ashleigh’s wedding promises September to give you a run for your money, August.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I'm a dirty hippie at heart

I'm interested in natural health and beauty. I've tried a few things - some stuck and some fell by the wayside. I've been making my own deodorant for about a year. I love it. I started off by switching from antiperspirant to plain deodorant. I tried about 5 different kinds of deodorant, from Tom's of Maine and other all naturally products to Old Spice (the least manly smelling option). NONE OF IT WORKED. I was stinky by the end of the day, every day. Yuck. I am not much of a sweater, so the real problem for me was that I wanted to not reek. That's not much to ask for, right? Well, apparently it was. Finally I gave up and was getting ready to go back to Dove, my first true deodorant love, when I decided to make my own. I'm so glad I tried it. I LOVE my homemade deodorant. I mix it up in my kitchen, store it in a baby food jar and I never smell bad anymore. Hooray!

My next foray into "damn the man" beauty products involved a few hair washing misfires. I tried the Curly Girl method, hoping it might coax my not-really-curly-anymore hair into ringlets again. Not so much. Conditioner only hair washing just left my hair really lank and greasy. Not to be put off, I moved along to baking soda and apple cider vinegar. That lasted a lot longer and was pretty successful. I never quite got the apple cider vinegar component figured out, though. SO after a while my hair would have a bunch of buildup and I gave up. I'm back to shampoo and conditioner. I might try the baking soda technique again, though.

This Christmas I went a little DIY crazy and made my first lip balm, bath salts and body scrubs. The lip balm was a hit - peppermint eucalyptus is a zinger of a combo. The bath salts have gotten good reviews and I'm a big fan of the scrubs.

Now I'm ready to up my natural beauty regimen. Tonight I'm going to try the Oil Cleansing Method. I don't do much to care for my face. I rarely wear makeup, so most nights I just splash water on my face before going to sleep. In the mornings I wash with Cetaphyl in the shower. I usually rub a little Clinique moisturizer on during the dry wintery months. The only thing I'm actually good at is wearing sunscreen. But I'm ready to put in a little more effort. Also, I want to try being nicer to my face. So, tonight I'm going to try a 70% castor oil, 30% olive oil combo massage. I'm not going to follow the directions in their entirety. (That's just not my bag) I'm gonna rub some oil in and rinse a few times until I don't feel it anymore.

I'll report back about how it goes...

Friday, January 14, 2011


Ok, one day missed. I have a tendency to do this kind of thing. Set a lofty goal, try to completely reinvent my life over night to live up to it, fail, and give up. Not this time, though.

Oh well. I didn't post anything yesterday. The world won't end.

I have to get accustomed to the idea of writing here. What the hell do I even want to write about? I don't freaking know.

Right now we're in the throes of reorganizing our apartment. We started things off with throwing a ton of shit out, getting in a few fights, and giving away our kitchen table and chairs last weekend. To begin with, we're focusing on the living room and kitchen. Next (starting this weekend) will be the bathroom. Pete and I don't always work well together. Especially not on projects wherein I've spent a lot of time thinking about how I want things to turn out and he hasn't. This is the sort of thing that we've been learning as we try to combine my zest for change with his desire for stability.

I have high hopes for accomplishing some exciting stuff this weekend. By Monday I hope to cross a few of these behemoths off the list:

-Scrub the shit out of our range. According to Pete it looks like a Jackson Pollock painting. Who knew melted wax was so hard to get off a stove?

-Do the same to our tub and bathroom sink. I'm going to do Shiny Sink 101 in both. This will require bleach. I am afraid of bleach, mostly because I like my clothes without blotchy stains. I shall persevere. Even if it means I'm scrubbing the tub in my skivvies.

-Get the kitchen shelves organized. This will require teamwork. Booooo.

-Hang the wooden shelf in the bathroom.

-Hang Pete's calendar and at least 2 other pretty things on the walls.

Wish me luck. Someday I hope to have more interesting things to write about than my adventures in being less of a slob, but this is what I'm thinking about on Friday afternoon. I need to get a life.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

27 while 27

I'm totally into Life Lists. Mighty Life Lists, to be exact. I have one of those and I'll likely post it here eventually, but I'm more interested in starting smaller for right now.

Have you ever seen the 30 before 30 lists? I like the idea of those. I see them all over the place and think they're pretty rad. BUT. I'm newly 27. This is no time to be thinking about turning 30. No siree Bob. Instead, I'm going to make a list of things I want to do this year.

Behold, 27 Things to Do While I'm 27:
1. Get this blog off the ground
2. Write in my 5 year diary every day (or at least *most* days)
3. Join a CSAjavascript:void(0)
4. Use my food processor
5. Complete the Couch to 5K program and run a 5K
6. Bake bread once a month
7. Sew myself a garment that I can wear to work
8. Get a pair of tall brown boots with a small/flat heel
9. Finish planning and attend the Girl's Wine Weekend
10. Visit 3 cities I've never been to (Miami for Ali's Bachellorette!)
11. Read 50 books
12. Have a picnic party on the lawn at the apartment
13. Build a headboard for our bed
14. Learn to Hula Hoop and use both my hula DVDs. Make a new hoop for a friend!
15. Wear a 2 piece bathing suit and feel sexy doing it
16. Sell something on Etsy
17. Make deodorant for all my friends
18. Go to an antique fair/flea market and haggle over something
19. Go hiking in Ridley Creek (or somewhere new) by myself
20. Sew curtains and throw pillows for our place
21. Paint and hang my little brown mirror
22. Make a new jewelry hanging rack
23. Visit my sister in GA
24. Learn to snorkel
25. Go camping with just Pete
26. Frame the art I gave Pete for Christmas
27. Make and live by a budget. (Time to grow up financially!)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Here we go again

It’s a propitious day – 1/11/11

A day for firsts.

This is my final "first" attempt at what I hope will be the first blog I actually stick with. I may as well begin it with a formal declaration of intention. This blog will become integral to my life. I’ll write in it a few times each week. I’ll stick with it and pretty it up with pictures. I’ll make a banner. I’ll solicit followers. I’ll try to be honest and interesting enough to keep them coming back.

Blogging is something I want to lay claim to. I read lots of blogs and admire the smart, funny, fascinating women who write them. They are all inspiring to me. I get good ideas from them. I steal their recipes. I chuckle at their exploits. I am jealous of their awesome houses.

I’m sick of it. I’m tired of blogs being a one-sided relationship. Sure, I could try to post more comments on great posts that I read. I could even shoot a few emails hither and yon and see what came back. Who knows, I could have friends just waiting for me to elbow my way into their lives.

But really, I want to do what they do. I want to carve out a spot for myself on the internet. Something I’d be proud to call my own. A place to look back on and cringe/laugh/smile at years from now.

I asked my sister for a 5 Year Diary for Christmas/my birthday. And she got me one! Sisters are the best! I haven’t really used it yet, though. I want to develop a habit of writing every night before I go to sleep. To give this habit a fighting chance I should really grab the diary, stick it next to the bed and stick a pen in it.

This blogging stuff is the same way. I want to do it, but with my track record that’s nowhere near enough. I need to integrate this shit into my daily life.
This is my start. My last first attempt. I will try writing every day for a month, just to see how it goes. I promise nothing. I won’t even be telling anybody but Pete that this little page exists until I have a month under my belt.